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Can You Cover Scars With Tattoos?

Everyone has different reasons to get tattooed, but some people do it to feel human again. Tattoo coverups have been around almost as long as the art itself – the process of camouflaging an old tattoo by inking over it with a new satisfactory design. What about tattooing to cover up scars?

Apprentice Whitney Develle

In recent years, mainstream media has highlighted numerous tattoo shops. And artist that have made it their mission to make their clients feel ‘whole’ again. One such artist is Whitney Develle of Brisbane Australia. Her tattoo career truly kicked off in 2016 while she was apprenticing as she embarked on ‘the Scars Project’. Whitney was inspired after noticing self-inflicted

scars on a friend, she agreed to attempt to cover the scarred area with a tattoo. Once finished, her friend felt like an entirely new person – scars would no longer be the first thing people noticed about her or judged her for. Whitney then decided that others deserved to feel the same sense of pride and embarked on her journey – she offered free tattoos to those seeking to cover their scars, her only stipulation is that those receiving cover ups must pledge to cease self-harming. Self-inflicted scars can be detrimental to a person’s self-image and mental state – often times self-harm scars are unpleasant reminders of low points in one’s life.

Eric Catalano and Scar Cover Ups

Just like Whitney, tattoo artist Eric Catalano didn’t anticipate that he’d be helping clients cover scars and replace them with artwork and newfound confidence. A gentleman had lost the tips of two fingers in a construction accident and asked to have fingernails tattooed onto them. Eric obliged and got to work – once finished, he recalls the whole atmosphere of the room shifting. He could immediately tell that he just given the man something priceless. The ability to feel a bit more normal. Eric didn’t intend on the piece getting much recognition…. but it went viral nearly overnight. His work spoke for itself as people from around the globe began lining up to receive the same ‘healing touch’ that Eric had shown. From occupational scars to scars left behind from medical procedures – Eric explains that the gratitude and emotion of his clients is the reason he won’t ever stop.

There are countless others around the world who have taken similar pledges to give their clients new leases on life by getting to cover their scars and what they may represent. A noble cause indeed!


Yam, K., 2020. Tattoo Apprentice Turns Scars From Self-Harm Into Incredible Works Of Art. [online] Tattoo Apprentice Turns Scars From Self-Harm Into Incredible Works Of Art | HuffPost Good News [Accessed 4 November 2020].

Off, T., 2020. The Tattoo Artists Who Pick Up Where Doctors Leave Off. [Online] The Tattoo Artists Who Pick Up Where Doctors Leave Off ( [Accessed 4 November 2020].