Do Tattoos Need To Have Meaning?

The tattoo industry continues to boom, and doesn’t show signs of slowing down anytime soon. People of all ages and walks of life are getting tattoos. Reasons to get tattoos are infinite, but many hold the belief that tattoos should have meaning. But is this true? Do tattoos need to have meaning?


The belief that tattoos should have meaning is merely an opinion. Tattoos are a long-term commitment, permanent when done properly and without external removal techniques. This simple fact can be quite intimidating to some. Therefore, some folks only opt to commit to being tattooed with something personally meaningful. This, though, can also seem quite infinite depending on the client’s and artist’s creativity. A name or word, a symbol that holds dear meaning, duplicate of a loved one’s tattoo… the list goes on. In short, however, tattoos do not have to have meaning.

Tattoos As Art

A growing popular belief is that tattoos are simply art, and can be collected as such. From collecting certain subject matter, to a particular artist’s specific style or work, to culturally significant tattoos – reasons and desire for collecting art can be entirely unique to each person. Unlike other art, collecting tattoos can seem more appealing and intriguing to some. They are still tangible, yet the wearer can take them anywhere and everywhere and can be with them for the duration of their earthly life.

Body Adornment

Many clients seek tattoos simply as body adornments. With so many implications and adverse messages in the media we’re exposed to every day, many people suffer with self image problems. Tattoos can help to create positive self image, as it sometimes helps clients to ‘reclaim’ their bodies. They can evoke greater self confidence. Client’s will no longer see the flesh that once made them insecure, instead seeing a beautiful piece of art that is uniquely their own.

Erasing The Past

It is also entirely possible to obscure past scars with tattoos. This should only be done by trained artist with experience in tattooing scar tissue,BrightVibes however. Medical procedures or the scars that they create can lead to mental ailments such as depression or identity crisis. Tattooing over these areas can help a person’s soul heal, and ‘reclaim’ their body as mentioned above. Scar cover up is growing incredibly popular among those that have had mastectomies. There are thousands of clients that have artfully covered or camouflaged scars with intricate designs. The world of permanent makeup even has artists skilled enough to recreate nipples lost in surgery, and allow the wearer to feel human again.


In conclusion, NO – tattoos don’t have to have a profound meaning! You don’t have to explain your body art or reasoning behind your ideas. Tattoos are special and unique to every client and their taste.