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Can I Get Tattooed When I’m Sick?

  People get sick from time to time. And it tends to happen inconveniently. Is it an issue to get a tattoo while sick? Or is it not that big of a deal?

Is It Okay to Get a Tattoo While Sick?

When ill, your immune system is already occupied. It doesn’t need to be pushed any further. It’s advised that when experiencing symptoms of an illness to reschedule your tattoo appointment. While you technically can receive a tattoo while sick, its recommended to not risk it.

What Can Happen?

If you decide to get a tattoo, it will generally involve some pain. If you’re already feeling under the weather, chances are acquiring a tattoo while sick will make your experience worse. Consistent or persistent coughing is an additional issue when receiving a tattoo as it can make applying clean lines or the proper amount of pressure a challenge for your artist. Don’t forget that getting a tattoo while sick doesn’t just affect you. Your illness can infect others in the studio, including other clients or your artist. Be sure to notify your artist if you’re feeling under the weather.

Is The Healing Process Different?

An additional thing that can happen when getting a tattoo while ill is that the healing process takes longer. Getting a tattoo while sick can cause you to remain ill for an extended amount of time. Keep in mind that your immune system isn’t preforming at its best, so it will typically take longer for both your illness and your tattoo to fully recover. There is also a greater chance of a tattoo infection if you do.

What If I Show Up to My Appointment Sick?

When you show up to your appointment sick, from there, most of the decisions are for your artist to make. The severity of the illness definitely plays a big factor. If you’re towards the end of your sickness, and are showing little to no symptoms, the artist could make an exception. However, if your symptoms are prominent, chances are, you’ll have to reschedule or lose your deposit.


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