In scientific studies, it’s been concluded that there are numerous benefits to getting a tattoo. Especially great health benefits! Tattoos can be much more than just a form of body modification.
Benefits the Immune system
Research has proven that multiple tattoos boosts the immune system. When the tattoo ink enters the body, the immune system attacks the ink. Each time that person goes for a new tattoo, the more their body undergoes that same process again and again, improving the immune system each time.Reduces Stress
Getting a tattoo reduces cortisol levels, (a stress hormone) which also helps improve the immune system but even reduces stress! Tattoos can be painful. However, the body battles the pain by releasing adrenaline and endorphins which leads to the person getting tattooed feeling elated.
Increases Self Esteem
Tattoos are symbolic for some. Whether it symbolizes an event from their past, an experience or emotion, or a motivational message, it benefits them by making them feel hope, inspiration and motivation. Others like tattooing their body because it boots their body confidence, and they are less critical of themselves. Studies have shown that tattoos undoubtably increase self-confidence, especially in women that have multiple tattoos.
Job Opportunities
People are surprised to hear that some jobs are looking for individuals with tattoos. Some jobs look for an employee with a spunky, energetic and self-expressive way of life, and can see that with their tattoos. These jobs tend to be jobs in the beauty industry such as a cosmetologist, a make-up artist, or a hair stylist. Especially if your tattoo could be somehow represent the company you wish to work at.
Benefits In Athletics
The reducing cortisol levels effect from tattoos is also helpful to those that participate in athletic activities regularly. It has various physical benefits because cortisol decreases your ability to heal. So, every time you get a tattoo, you are decreasing your cortisol levels. Every time you do so makes your muscles repair faster, essentially growing your muscles.
| Chronic Ink (
Science Confirms: Women With Tattoos Have Higher Self-esteem (